West Island Women’s Centre
The West Island Women’s Centre (WIWC) is a dynamic and widely-used non-profit community organization dedicated to improving the quality of life of women. Join their online support group Healing Together for women dealing with miscarriage, still birth or infant death.
Parents Orphelins, Quebec Association of Parents Grieving from Infant Loss
Parent Orphelins provides group support and complementary services for parents who have lost a baby during pregnancy. Coffee-talks, hotline, activities, annual light walk and external resources are also available.
T: 514-686-4880
TF: 1-844-338-4522
W: www.parentsorphelins.org
Star Legacy Foundation
The Star Legacy Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to reducing pregnancy loss and neonatal death and improving care for families who experience such tragedies. We are a community of families, health professionals, researchers, policy makers, and individuals dedicated to helping every pregnancy have a happy ending.
NDG Therapy
Bereavement support groups in the event of a perinatal loss whether due to abortion, miscarriage, stillbirth, pregnancy interruption and neonatal death (up to 12 months of age), and for couples dealing with fertility issues. Also offers private individual therapy, all led by a licensed psychotherapist.
Baby’s Breath Canada
Baby’s Breath is Canada’s only national foundation focused on Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), and more recently also dedicated to reducing all sudden and unexpected infant deaths including stillbirths. Their work focuses on research, advocacy and a peer-to-peer bereavement support network to assist families who have faced the tragic loss of an infant.
SOS Grossesse
French only website
A telephone service where information is provided for all questions related to pregnancy, termination of pregnancy, contraception, and sexuality.
T: 1 (877) 662-9666
W: https://sosgrossesse.ca/fr
Returning Home with Empty Arms - Documentary
French only documentary
Revenir les bras vides is a four-part documentary series that records the stories of parents who have lived through perinatal bereavement and the stories of their loved ones. This series explores many different themes and offers greater insight into the subject, which is still taboo and shrouded in silence. Specialists share their thoughts by answering the many questions raised when a baby’s life is cut short.
W : https://www.chusj.org/en/
Centre for Reproductive Loss
Center which responds compassionately to the emotional, spiritual, and psychological distress of individuals and families affected by such loss as miscarriage, stillbirth, abortion, adoption, SIDS, infertility, and sterility. They provide professional support services, which promotes constructive healthy grieving and healing for those whose lives have been touched by these painful events. They also educate caregivers and the public on reproductive loss grief issues.
Quebec Parental Insurance Plan
The QPIP is set up to pay benefits to all eligible workers - salaried and/or self-employed - taking maternity leave, paternity leave, parental leave, adoption leave, or bereavement leave. To find out your benefits and eligibility, visit their website.
T: 1 (888) 610-7727
W: Termination of Pregnancy: https://www.rqap.gouv.qc.ca/en/
Death of a Child: https://www.rqap.gouv.qc.ca/en/